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i want your opinion

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: i want your opinion

ok my little brother had an acu jacket on it was covered excpt for the neck collor u could see across his neck becuse he had a cold i was working with him when a solder asked him for his military ID i said he didnt have one the solder screemed and was cussing horrificly at him he want to be in the army as a Chapline too but the solder wouldent let him explane he just kept shouting ask stuff like "what u think its funny to play solder" ect and was telling him to strip it off right then and there he kept going till was was almost in tears and ended the coversation with get the F%#& outa my face. is this what evryone is like in the army to civilans? there wasent even a single patch on it? becuse after watching this i began to rethink my going into the army?

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August 20, 2009
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`Not all are like that in the army,but you can get a very small minority that think they have a god complex and think they are better than the rest when in uniform. The majority are ok. Maybe the bloke was just having a bad day!!!!!!

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May 30, 2009
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`I'm sorry this happened to ur brother.I guess it is like the police inthat there are some that use it as an excuse to bully ppl and a shelter to offend but it's still not excusable.It is very special opportunity that these folks are given and some just can't process it right because their thinking was never clear to begin with.Report this guy to his unit chief or the base captain and hopefully he won't do it again.gbu all

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October 10, 2010
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`Actually its not right at all. I'm a sergeant in the army and civilians can wear military clothing as long as they are not trying to protray that that they are in the service. No patches, so I'd say he's not trying to pretend to be military.

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November 9, 2010
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ctb540888 wrote: ok my little brother had an acu jacket on it was covered excpt for the neck collor u could see across his neck becuse he had a cold i was working with him when a solder asked him for his military ID i said he didnt have one the solder screemed and was cussing horrificly at him he want to be in the army as a Chapline too but the solder wouldent let him explane he just kept shouting ask stuff like "what u think its funny to play solder" ect and was telling him to strip it off right then and there he kept going till was was almost in tears and ended the coversation with get the F%#& outa my face. is this what evryone is like in the army to civilans? there wasent even a single patch on it? becuse after watching this i began to rethink my going into the army?

NOT all military or army soldiers are like that to civilians my name is 2ND Lieutenant Lopez of the army rangers some soldiers see it as disrespect but they will yell but most wont i have a son and i let him were my acu jacket when ever he wants not all soldiers are bad some are but most are not --- holes

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November 9, 2010
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mattk82 wrote: `Actually its not right at all. I'm a sergeant in the army and civilians can wear military clothing as long as they are not trying to protray that that they are in the service. No patches, so I'd say he's not trying to pretend to be military.

thats right is not right at all im a 2nd Lieutenant in the army rangers and i dont approve of military soldiers doing that type of crap thats wrong for that soldier to have done that to anyone

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December 9, 2010
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`its fine as long as you don't copy their battle badge

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December 18, 2012
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`It's fine--both the kid wearing it and the Soldier giving him the third degree, period. 1st Amendment. My oath was to defend it for all citizens, not for some.

If the soldier thinks the kid was impersonating a soldier, he probably needs to go to medical for a psych eval depending on the kid's age.

Now if the kid's wearing full uniform with decorations, AND utilizing the confusion to gain access/"hang out" where he ought not be, then that's different... but STILL it's on the military to engage in safe security practices.

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